Saturday, September 4

Checklist for hosting a website:

Learn how to host a website:

How to start hosting your site, often not considered worth noting some factors you have, how to choose a web hosting company. Here's a useful checklist to help you.

Prime Support:
This is very important as it is to be able to sustain adequate That You May have any questions on how crucial Importance. You could try some testing before registration of the company by shooting them an e-mailMessage with a question. Check their response rate when the possibility of assistance payable.
According to Uptime:
Web host must be able to provide guaranteed availability of more. The acceptable standard is actually a 99 percent uptime.
Disk space:
Would determine the precise amount of space needed. Calculate how big you are and if the site would fit the space allotted.

This is often overlookedTo the point that the limit has been reached for the bandwidth. Remember that if you exceed the bandwidth allocated, there would be a high bill.
CGI Bin:
This feature is now standard with the company a better reception. Without access to these would not be able to install programs and scripts.
Perl :
If you do not have this would not be able to run Perl programs. Many good scripts, you can buywritten in Perl.
If you accept payment by credit card directly on your site plan, then you would need SSL or Secure Socket Layer included in the plan you get.
SSI or Server Side Includes would be nice if you want to spend very little time to update your site.
There are some programs that require a MySQL database to run into the situation, you use this function with the controlthe plan would have chosen.
Many new scripts and programs require PHP support. This feature may cost extra, but most good hosts already have it as standard feature.
Domain name:
There are some names, hosting companies support you when you register your domain, but you should compare with the market, prices in the study and the registration of the domain name you know That Would even call in the control domain iswhen they were changing hosts later.
FTP access :
Unlimited and unrestricted FTP access to your website is very important. You would need to be an FTP program is able to transfer files.
This is important to manage your website with ease.
Statistics Program:
A powerful statistics program would be useful if you plan to track how many visitors you to come, References, the first entry and exit pages and where they come from.

Checklist of things you must know for an Internet Business:

What should I do to start my own online business?

If you have already decided to get into internet business, you must get yourself educated in some of the areas as liested below:

* The three biggest myths about having an internet business that you must know - if you don't these they can KILL your business without you realizing it!
* How to Avoid the most common internet business scams
* How you can have an internet business even if you don't have a product to sell Specific Business "Opportunities" to Avoid if you don't want to get ripped off
* How to Choose a Great Domain Name
 * How to Avoid Registering a "Problem" Domain that could get you into Legal Trouble
 * How to Avoid Paying Too Much for your Web Site

* The Secret to Choosing a Good Web Hosting Company (a bad company can literally break your business!)
* The Seven Do's and Don'ts of Building a Web Site
* The Biggest Mistake Most New Internet Business Owners Make
* The Two Most Common Web Site Legal Issues and How to Avoid Getting Tangled up in one of them
* Step by Step Instructions for Setting up your Web Site Email
* The Two Best Ways you Can Protect yourself from Spam
* How to Accept Credit Cards on your Web Site
* The Four Indicators of Possible Credit Card Fraud (don't let the bad guys rip you off!)
* How to Get Visitors to your Web Site
* How to Get Listed in all the major Search Engines
* How to Improve your Search Engine Ranking
* Why the Words you use on your Web Site can help or hurt your Web Site Ranking and how to find the best words to use (the ones most new business owners use are usually the worst ones!)
* How to Get other Web Sites to Link to your web site and why you MUST care about this
* The Best and Worst Sites to Link to and the web sites you must avoid linking to no matter what
* The Best and Worst ways to Advertise your Business (both pay and for free)
* The most effective advertising method currently available
* The MOST important advertising rule and why you MUST follow it if you want your business to be successful
* How to Avoid getting ripped off by the most common traps and scams that most new web site owners fall for
* If you are shipping your product, the one US shipping law thatyou MUST be aware of
* How to Deal with Difficult Customers
* The Top 10 Ways to Win Points with your Customers
* The ONE thing that you absolutely MUST do for your customers or your internet business could be ruined
* How to Choose the Best Structure for your Business and Determine whether or not you need to Incorporate
* Income tax issues you need to be aware of
* How to Find out if you have to charge Sales Tax on your Products
* How to Know if you need a Business License and How to Get one if you do need one
* What you need to have to set up a business bank account
* The Easiest Way to keep track of all your expense
* How to Decide if you need a business phone line and a cheap way to get one if you need one
* How to Balance your Life and Business in a way that's fair to you and your family members

How to get started up for your first website:

How to get started with money making websites?


Installing wordpress & start blogging:
Before we can get started and I can show you how to make money online, we need to sort the essentials out,

that means we have to get you online! Today I will show you how to build your first blog, which is surprisingly easy!

Make sure you take action as you read through my emails or you will find yourself a month down the road and you still haven’t started! If you do have any troubles with the eCourse, then hit the reply button and I will be happy to respond to your email.

First thing you need is a domain:

I am always creating websites and it is super important to choose a good domain, I often see long winded

domains like, It’s really long, boring and has so many words you will spend so much time just typing the domain that you will give up.

Here’s what I do, I put a twist to my domains to make them more interesting, for example, I could of had instead of is really catchy and something no one forgets, its even a speaking point for a lot of people. It’s all about being creative and not trying to get ever keyword under the sun in your domain. Another way you can come up with new domain names is by putting the benefit and your keyword in a domain.
you should use the site.

For all my domains I use GoDaddy, it is the largest domain registrar in the world and that’s for a reason!
The most important thing about running an Internet Business is that you have a reliable host, without one, you

are wasting your time. I recommend to everyone always to use HostGator, it’s cheap, reliable and I have never heard a bad word said about them. If you do decide to go TRY find a better deal then please research who you are getting hosting with, the worst thing is to find your website goes offline and they don’t have a recent backup of your server. I have personally lost some really big website’s due to hosts who just don’t seem to care for their customers.

Connecting your domain & Host:
So to host your domain is really simple, login to you GoDaddy account and click Domains > My Domains and then click on your domain. Now click on the Nameservers Icon and change the custom nameservers to the ones HostGator would of emailed you, they would have been something like:

Once this is done, you will now be able to upload and install your blog!

Installing your Blog:
I will show you how to install Wordpress in about 30 seconds using Fantastico, not all hosts have Cpanel and Fantastico but if you are using HostGator like I recommended, they do!

So to start, go to and login with the admin details your host provided, scroll to
the bottom and click Fantastico, now on the left hand side is a link to Wordpress, click that and click New
Installation, fill in the form and then click Install Wordpress and you are done, now go to your domain and your blog will be installed.

Adding posts to your blog:
If you now go to your blog on the right hand side of your blog, there will be a link called Login (yourdomain.
com/wp-login.php), click that and now login with your username and password. You will be presented with the Wordpress Dashboard, on the left side you will have a link to Add New under Posts. Click this and you will be able to add your first blog post.

In the lesson for Day 2, I will show you how to add a theme to your blog to make it look “nice” and will show you around the blog admin. I will also show you a few tricks I use to get the most out of my blog and making money!


Adding your Designs & Plugins:

Hopefully by now you have bought your domain, hosted it and installed Wordpress! Today I will share with you

how I made IncomeDiary look so good and user friendly!

Finding a premium design for your blog:

When you saw smallbusinessgurukul you probably smiled and thought, WOW and then thought to yourself, just if I could create a blog like that! Well I have to be honest with you, I paid $80 for my Wordpress Theme and it’s not just that theme, they have dozens with lots of great features to personalize it yourself! The huge benefit of buying a premium theme is that you don’t have to spend 100’s of hours and thousands of dollars to get the same results as the professionals!

So where did I get my Wordpress Theme? Woothemes of course!

Once you have purchased your theme, uploading is simple. Upload the file to your FTP folder marked Themes which is in the Wp-Content folder. There are two ways to upload a theme, I personally use a FTP client called FlashFXP which you can get a FREE trial from

The other way is to upload via your hosting control panel. Login to your cpanel and click File Manager and
go to the folder Themes which is in Public HTML and then WP-Content. Next, click upload which is in the top navigation and upload the zip file of your theme, once it is uploaded, unzip it.

Once you have done this, login to your Wordpress Admin and click Appearance and you will see your theme, click it and a preview will open up and then in the top right corner is a button saying Activate, click it and your theme will now work!

If you bought your theme from Woothemes, then you can play around with all their really cool settings by logging in to your Wordpress Admin and scrolling down to the bottom of the sidebar and click the name of your theme. We recently interviewed the founder of Woothemes about the importance of great blog design.

Wordpress Changes:

One major thing I see a lot of new blogger’s do is not make their website URL’s search engine friendly which is the easiest source of traffic. If you look at your first blog post URL, it will be when you really

want it to say You want your URL’s and blog post titles to be what you expect people to be searching in Google, not something that always sounds good, a mix of both usually goes down well!

To make your links search engine friendly like I just said, go to your Wordpress Admin and click Settings and then Permalinks on the left side. Change the settings to Custom Structure and use the code /%postname%/ -

This will now make your blog post link’s SEO friendly.

Another important SEO change is your page title and description, I personally use a FREE plugin to do this called All in One SEO Pack but as you guys are just starting, you may just want to edit these details from your Wordpress Admin by clicking General under Settings. It is really important to choose the right page title.
You also have a Blogroll on your blog, this is a great way to start building links and traffic to your website. Find 5 to 10 blogs just like yours and ask them to link to your site and you will do the same for them. You can add or edit your blogroll by clicking Links in the sidebar of your Wordpress Admin. It is also important to have a SEO friendly link. you are interested in learning more about Search Engine Optimization, then check out this interview that we did with a leading SEO expert!

RSS Feeds & Building your list:

A RSS Feed is basically a reminder for regular readers to alert them when you have a new blog post, this is one of the most important parts of a blog. I use Feedburner to manage all our feed updates, sign up and create a code and update your RSS link to the feedburner one. Feedburner also has an email update script that you can use, when you are logged in at click Publicize and then Email Subscriptions, they will give you some code and then you can add it as a widget on your blog. To edit your RSS widget is really simple, login to your Wordpress Admin again and click Appearance and then Widgets, then click on RSS and paste your email code in and then save the changes. Your readers will now be able to subscribe for updates, when you add a new post and they will get an email or RSS message alerting them to check your blog out.

Ask any Problogger what their biggest blogging mistake, they will tell you they wish they started building a list
sooner! Creating a list is so powerful and a great way to make money online. Say you had 100 people visit your site a day, you want to get around 10 of them to sign up for your list, that means you can promote your website and products to them in future. What I do is create an auto responder series which automatically sends them an email every day to encourage them to work harder and make more money online - then I will promote them a product or two. Don’t be scared to promote products to them from day one, after all you only want people who are willing to spend money on your list.

I have built my lists to over xx,xxx now and my number one tip for getting readers to opt-in is to offer them
something, for example “7 Ways You Can Use Outsourcing To Save Your Company a Lot Of Money” - anyone on an outsourcing website will want to read that and would happily give you their email address to get it. My friend has built a list for his blog and every time he needs money he will find a product he likes and send his list an email about it and he will earn thousands of dollars! For those of you who will be using your blog to earn money I recommend you look at getting yourself an auto responder to do this. I personally recommend Aweber and iContact which both have a great service! If this is something that interests you, then set up your Aweber today and I will show you in the following emails how I make thousands of dollars from my mailing list.

The lesson in Day 3 will be a big day, so make sure you have everything ready and I will share my secrets with you ;-)

Saturday, August 21

Making money on internet is possible if planned for longterm:

Planning for a long term on Web. Here are the tools:

Here are basic tools I use, they work for ME but I am not suggesting its easy or that they will work for everyone. It took me three years to get to the stage where my income was both large enough, and more importantly stable enough, to make the move. I now have around 25 websites and combined they provide a good income.

1. Website Builder
These are ten a penny. From free services such as Wordpress and Joomla, to complicated software with steep learning curves such as Dreamweaver.

Perhaps the best tool to build LOTS of niche websites at low cost is XsitePro. My experiences with XsitePro are detailed here.

2. Hosting Service - you will need a decent host for your websites. I use but that is not available outside the UK. There are many hosting services, Google around for the best options.

3. Search Engine Optimisation software.
Once you have built your websites you need to ensure that they are found. That means getting high listings on search engines, particularly Google. I use the SEO software from Axandra that has a money back guarantee.

Making Money from Websites
There are many ways to make money from websites, here are the main ones and again the ones that work for me.

1. Google Adsense - place Google adverts on your site to earn money when visitors click. Read Googles Terms and Conditions VERY carefully or you risk your account being removed by them.

2. Sell a Product - this is the only way to make it BIG.

3. Sell other peoples products via Affiliate Schemes - this is a lot easier than selling your own product but the downside is you get only a percentage of the sale. There are literally thousands of Affiliate schemes ranging from the excellent to the truly awful.

4. Why people FAIL with Affiliate Marketing - two main reasons
* They start and give up - you must keep plugging away until you find profitable ones.
* No marketing - adding an affiliate banner then sitting back will NOT work! My most successful affiliate scheme brings in over $4000 a month...............BUT it costs me $2000 a month to promote it. If you are not prepared to invest - forget it.

Cost Breakdown for Essentials
XsitePro - $197 (soon to increase to $297). One licence, 2 computers allowed.
Hosting - bank on around $200 a year to host 25-30 small sites.
SEO Software - Axandras iBusinessPromoter costs $249.95 for the Standard version which should suffice.

Saturday, March 20

The biggest error to avoid in your Online business

The biggest error to avoid in your Online business:

In spite of the fact that many entrepreneurs have used the online marketplace to build lucrative businesses and build the lifestyle of their dreams, for every successful marketer there are dozens who never even make enough money to even stay in business. Thankfully, you can avoid being a part of this unfortunate majority by learning from their failure and duplicating the strategies which have made other marketer successful before you. The article will outline five fatal errors which experts like Mitch Meyerson, Frank Rumbauskas, Ali Brown and Timothy Ferris have deemed as being the leading causes of failure in online marketing….

Developing a Product without Finding an Audience: This is a mistake which can cost you hundreds or even thousands of dollars and cause your business to fail before it even gets off the ground. No matter how creative or interesting you believe that your product is, you can still end up wasting your time and money creating it if no one wants to buy it. Just ask the founder of Border’s Books who spent $375 million on developing the first nationwide redelivery service called Webvan that completely flopped because there was not enough customer interest to support it. This is a mistake which could have been easily avoided with proper research and advertisement testing.

Since most startup entrepreneurs don't have tons of money to throw away, it's imperative that you conduct proper keyword research and even some ad testing for your product before you invest your time and money in creating it. If this process is handled correctly, you could have scores of qualified customers ready to buy your product before it even goes on the market.

Chasing Opportunity Instead of Passion: Success in the online marketplace takes a lot more hard work, diligence and persistence than most people think. No matter how much research and study you do before starting your business, there is always going to be a degree of trial and error involved when which will test the patience and persistence of even the most diehard entrepreneur. There also are hundreds and even thousands of tedious details which go into building and optimizing a website, creating a product and running an effective marketing campaign.

When this happens, it is only your passion for the business that you are starting which is going to provide the fuel to keep you going. The online marketplace is also very competitive and requires you to be constantly learning about your niche and understanding your customers. This kind of commitment is difficult to keep if you are not building the type of business that really interests you. So be sure that as you are choosing your online business you take these things into consideration and give yourself the best opportunity possible to achieve success.

Failure to Control Advertising Costs:
The most valuable investment you'll ever make in your online business is in smart advertising. No matter how spectacular your product is or how interesting your website is, no one is going to care if they never get the chance to hear about what you are doing. The problem is that the most effective online marketing strategies such as pay per click marketing, search engine optimization, article marketing and e-mail marketing are also the most potentially costly when it comes to time and dollars spent. The only way to make sure that these methods are cost-effective for both time and money is to practice consistent and strategic testing for your marketing campaigns and your ad copy.

Tools such as theGoogle website Optimizer, Google analyticsand other various applications for split testing and visitor behavior tracking are a must if you want to make sure that your time and money are spent wisely.

Expecting a Sale on the First Visit: According to online marketing expert Mitch Meyerson’s book “Mastering Online Marketing” 37% of prospects take anywhere from 0 to 3 months to become customers, 28% Takes 3 to 6 months, 18% 6 to 12 months and 17% take more than one year. In addition to this, general advertising research consistently reveals that it takes anywhere from seven to twelve times of a prospect seeing a message before they become a purchasing customer. This is why an effective list building strategy is regarded by many online marketing experts to be the most important part of building a successful online business.

Even if you have a website which is converting well and a good traffic strategy, you’re likely (according to the above statistics) to miss out on 50% of your potential customers if you don’t have a good email marketing strategy to stay in touch after their first visit. These are customers that will end up buying from your competition and likely becoming their loyal customers when they could have been yours. This is why it's so important to create a goodmarketing funnel includes a system for viral marketing and relationship building with your prospects.

Lack of Focus: Lack of focus is a common cause for failure in any undertaking because it keeps you from using your resources of time and money wisely. It also makes it difficult for you to consistently track your progress and make the improvements necessary to increase your successes. If you are attempting to market your website by dabbling in social media marketing one day, and then switching sporadically to article marketing then to PPC marketing or being inconsistent with your e-mail marketing, you’ll probably end up getting taken down by your competition.

If you feel that you don’t have enough energy and attention to pursue all of the marketing strategies which you want to use such as: social media marketing, Adwords advertising, e-mail marketing, article marketing, video marketing, search engine optimization, finding joint ventures and ezine advertising, it might be time to seek the help of an online marketing firm. This will allow you to focus on aspects of marketing your business which you are most interested in and have the best knack for.

The more focused you are, the quicker you will learn and the better edge you will have on your competition. So if you've gotten into the habit of being all over the place with your online marketing, it might be time to find your most effective method and to focus only on that until you develop a solid foundation upon which you can build your other methods.

No matter where you are in your process of starting your own online business, it’s important to remember that there is always room for improvement. Check yourself on each of these five common errors, find your weak points and get to work on a plan for correcting them. It might just be a decision which will make the difference between failure and success.

Saturday, February 13

Is it a good Idea to convert my business into a franchise?

A number of franchise systems have grown by converting independent businesses in the same industry into franchise units. Perhaps the clearest example of this is in the real estate industry--franchises such as Century 21 grew rapidly in this very manner. Yet this system doesn't just work well in real estate; in fact, many franchises use some degree of conversion franchising to grow. Travel agency and home service franchises--including plumbing, air conditioning and handyman services--have all successfully offered existing entrepreneurs the opportunity to convert to a franchise.

But why would you want to trade in your independence to belong to a franchise? What do you get in return? And how can you decide if the leap from independent to franchisee is right for you? Whether you're an existing entrepreneur considering converting into a franchise--or a franchisor bringing existing entrepreneurs into your system--you should carefully consider the pros and cons before deciding on this course of action. From each perspective, here are some of the most significant factors to take into account.

Converter Perspective
You are an experienced and successful operator of an independent business who is considering converting your business into a franchise. The factors you should consider include:

Pros. The advantages of such a conversion can be many. You can achieve significant marketing advantages by being associated with a brand that has regional or national top of mind awareness, and there is usually a common marketing fund used to drive brand recognition and customer growth. In addition, you can probably achieve significant purchasing power savings by being associated with a large system that has much better bargaining power than an independent operator. Finally, you can take advantage of an operating system tested and proven by many other operators to produce the highest possible level of success from the business.

Cons. The disadvantages to the operator converting to a franchise usually relate to two factors: fees and operational flexibility. A franchise system is probably going to require a converting franchisee to pay both initial and ongoing fees. These fees represent expenses that you do not have as an independent operator, and you need to be confident that the increased projected revenue, cost savings or profitability associated with being a franchise will more than offset the fee costs, or this conversion may not be in your best interests. In addition to fees, a franchise system typically has many rules in terms of how the franchise business must be run. Since you can conduct your business in any manner you choose in an independent business, you need to make sure you're comfortable giving up this total freedom to abide by the operating rules of the franchisor.

Franchisor Perspective
You are an experienced and successful franchisor with a solid brand and operating system and are considering using a strategy of converting existing independent operators into new franchisees for your system. The factors you should consider include:

Pros. The advantages of this strategy are the potential for very rapid growth in unit counts and royalty fee income. Existing independent business already have real estate, staff and customers and most (if not all) of any other requirements for becoming an operating unit in your chain. When they decide to convert, you immediately have another operating unit and ongoing income stream. You also have franchisees who know how to operate in your industry and have proven their competency via their independent businesses.

Cons. The disadvantage of a conversion strategy is the very same industry experience we mentioned as an advantage. Franchisees who have prior experience in your industry usually also have many preconceived notions and opinions about the industry and about how the business should be operated. These opinions may or may not match up well with your system. Whereas new franchisees entering your system without this experience tend to do what you tell them without argument, converting franchisees tend to require much more effort when their opinions and preconceived notions don't match what you're telling them to do. To put it bluntly, conversion franchisees are often a big pain in the neck during the operational conversion process.

The secret to successful conversion franchising, for both parties, is extensive communication prior to the conversion decision. Independent operators need to make sure they understand exactly what the benefits and costs will be and also what is required of them in terms of changes. The franchisor needs to ensure potential franchisees are embracing the idea of conversion for all the reasons that are important to the franchise company, without reservation.

A wonderful strategy for both parties in this process is for the franchisor to conduct a business review of the existing operation, then provide the prospective converting franchisee with an overview of all key changes required in a conversion. This overview could also list the benefits the franchisor feels the operator would gain from converting.

Such a review usually eliminates any confusion about what is required of independent business owners during the conversion process. They might very well decide not to proceed with conversion based on this information, but that decision is certainly better for both parties than the alternative: having a major conflict after the conversion documents are signed.