Sunday, February 6

My Blog is Not Making Money, what should I do?

Love your Blog & Blog will return lot of love to you:

Why is your blog not making money online? Most beginners have the sole intention of making money when they step into the blogosphere. So, undoubtedly the most popular question in their mind is “Why is my blog not making money?” Many newbies keep wondering over it, and are just not able to find answers. In this article, I am trying to put forward some probable answers to this grand problem.

1. Alomst no traffic or visitors to your blog
How do you expect to make money from your blog if no-one or very less people come and visit it? Its similar to being hungry but you just have peanuts to eat. You can’t expect to make money when you have a very small audience.

2. Improper visibility of your Ads
Its very annoying to see Ads all over the blog. Place your Ads where they will be seen but where it won’t be a nuisance for people reading your content. Some people think over this point to such an extent that they fear placing Ads where they should. Thus, minimizing their profits!

3. No one is interested in your Content
Who will visit your Blog if you copy articles from other blogs? You wont have any takers if you write on topics discussed by other bloggers. You must create high quality unique articles to get traffic and publicity in the Blogosphere. You can also create List Posts, How-To articles or Comparison Articles to get traffic fast as these articles are expected to go viral on Social Media sites.

4. UnMasked Referral links
Making money selling different products with affiliate links is not a secret anymore. But people somehow are not free clicking Affiliate links on different websites. So it is good to mask your affiliate links using URL shorteners or different WordPress plugins. This will keep your visitors unaware that they are clicking on Affiliate links.

5. No promotion of your Money making or High Traffic pages
Many-a-times Newbies fail to identify their High Traffic and Money making pages. It is a very good idea to identify these pages and monetize them properly. Promoting these pages over Social Media sites and using different SEO techniques for these pages can help you get more traffic on these pages. In turn, it will help you make more money out of these pages.

6. No Strategy or Wrong Strategy and Planning
You are not going to start making money by just writing articles. You need to plan and device different tactics for making money out of your blogs. Create a proper strategy which you think will work for you rather than copying someone else’s strategy. Money making tactics depend on your blog traffic, your blog niche and many other factors. So, do not copy the strategies of famous bloggers but make your own ones.

7. Giving up
Most bloggers seem to quit blogging in the first three months of blogging because they don’t seem to make any money. You cannot expect to make money with new blogs so early. Everyone has to struggle hard for more than a year to be among the Money Making Bloggers. Don’t expect blogging to give instant or fast results!

8. Inconsistency
Writing a blog post once in a month is of no use! You must be consistent in blogging and post regularly at small intervals. Taking long breaks in blogging is not adviced. If you are going to be busy with some activities, you can write posts in advance and schedule your posts to be published when you are busy and away from your blog.

9. “I will follow the crowd” Attitude
People like uniqueness! They wont appreciate if you are just one among the many. You need to use strategies and write articles which are unique. Dare to be different! Stand out of the crowd and people will surely notice you and inturn you will get wide acceptance.

10. Only MONEY on your mind
Just blog as a passion. Do it because you love it! Don’t feel restrained by anything and most importantly, “Forget About the Money”. Believe me, the more you ignore money, the more it will follow you. Just concentrate on writing good content, keeping your readers happy and creating a group of loyal readers. Its all going to work well in the long run.